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Skipify Checkout

Get to know
Skipify Checkout

Skipify Checkout is a streamlined payments experience that improves conversion rates.

Skipify Checkout

Drive revenue with a better checkout experience 

An experience that feels more like magic than software 

Image of merchant checkout with Skipify highlight around email field

Identify shoppers on your site automatically

Skipify recognizes shoppers at checkout with just an email address or phone number.

Skipify one time passcode authentication

Verify shopper identity quickly and securely  

Use device biometrics or a one time code to easily authenticate shoppers. 

Skipify checkout with payment methods

Retrieve payment methods directly from shopper's financial institutions

All available payment methods, from cards to alternative payment options, and shopper details are automatically populated for seamless payment in one-click.

Skipify checkout with pay button highlight

Ensure payment success and accept more orders

Prevent declines by receiving payment details directly from the financial institution. Auth rates to increase as high as 99%.


91% of shoppers prefer Skipify to standard checkout

Built on Skipify’s Commerce Identity Cloud, 
for a recognized shopping experience every time

Skipify’s financial institution-backed cloud solution disables the traditional notion that we need to collect wallets and buttons in order to easily pay. 


It’s one cloud, with millions of shopper identities, and every way they want to pay.

And as the network continues to grow with banks and financial institution, so too does the value to Skipify merchants.

Commerce Identity illustration

Use cases

Skipify optimizes both guest and logged-in checkout experiences

Guest checkout

Make guest checkout your best checkout.

Man looking at phone
Guest checkout form field with Skipify indicator

Logged-in checkout

Inspire account usage with a friction-free account experience.

Man looking at computer
Logged in component

It’s easy to get started

Get up and running quickly with Skipify pre-built checkout

Take advantage of Skipify’s pre-built checkout solution and flexible SDK to go live in as little as one day.

Fully hosted and pre-integrated with leading ecommerce platforms, Skipify’s ready-made checkout delivers a proven user interface out-of-the-box.

Image of Skipify pre-built checkout

Integrate Skipify natively into your UI with embedded components

Designed to enhance the customer experience without disrupting your existing workflow, Skipify’s embedded components offer a fully native solution for optimizing your checkout.

Skipify checkout with embedded payment methods
illustration of cart and credit card

Access Developer Docs

Find answers to common implementation questions, explore the APIs, and view developer resources.

Ready to get started?

Create an account to start building with Skipify today, or get in touch with our sales team to learn more.

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